THANK YOU FAM!!! Check out the video on facebook.
Love Out Loud! Thanksgiving Boxes
We have the opportunity to prepare boxes again this year for students and their families.
Give a Donation to fill out the Thanksgiving Boxes. Give a donation or pick up an envelope and drop it in the offering plate. In the top section of the offering envelope, write Thanksgiving boxes in the Other section.
What To Buy. The following items are suggested items to complete a “Thanksgiving Box”. Bring your items to church and place them on the designated table. They will get packaged with other donated items to complete a box.
All items should be canned or boxed. Not fresh or frozen:
Green Beans
Sweet Potatoes / Yams
Instant Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
Stuffing Mix
Cake Mix
Macaroni & Cheese
Jello / Pudding
Kool-Aid or other drink powder
*If you would like to include a Frozen Turkey as a part of your box that’s great! Drop it off at the church on November 20th. If you would like to make a donation, or buy a gift card toward the purchase of a Turkey, place it in an envelope and give it to Wanda Hayes. We cannot accept turkeys before November 20th due to storage limitations.
You may drop off items on Sundays between 8am and 1pm and on Friday, November 20th between 2pm and 7pm.
Boxes will be assembled on: Saturday, November 21st in the morning.
The boxes will be distributed/picked up on Saturday, November 21st.
Contact Britannica Reed for additional information
Community/Homeless Giveaway
The community/homeless are invited to receive coats and shoes along with a pre-Thanksgiving meal.
What you can do:
New or gently used Men coats,
New or gently used clothing,
Shoes, socks, gloves, hat, and blankets
Toiletry items
Feminine products
Financial donations are welcome.
You may drop off items on Sundays between 8am and 1pm.